Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A few words for the readers

I would like to start by simply saying that I miss my friend Mike.  We spent a lot of time together between grad school, losing our jobs in 1999 and then working together again years later.  All throughout we were always close and it makes me sad that he is not around to make me laugh the way he did for so many years.  Having said that, I was fortunate enough to know him as long as I did and I am happy to share some of my memories of him.  There will be several posts by me and I encourage everyone to write a little something, even if it is just a few words by Michael.  One of his favorite sayings was "I am all about class."-  so keep it clean. (smile).


1 comment:

  1. Dear Karl

    I am Michael's cousin, my name is Arthur.
    my uncle (Michael's father) can not read english
    very well, he needs me to translate all the stories here into chinese for him.

    So, If you have new story posted here please give me a mail, (clare168poet@gmail.com) Thanks.

    We all appreciated and feel warming that freineds of Michael could share their stories here even just few pieces of word.

    Many thanks

    Arthur from Taiwan/Taichung
